Days Until Opening Day 2009

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Back to Politics for a Bit*

I didn't have time to post yesterday, so today I want to write about a number of different issues.

The Yankees (of course)
Rained out last night but they didn't call the game until after 9:30. There will be a double header today to make up for last nights game.

Clemens threw 71 pitches yesterday at the Yankees Tampa facility and said he felt good. He could join the rotation as early as late May.


Wolfowitz is in serious hot water over at the World Bank. Backed by the White House, he blames "ambiguous bank rules" as his excuse for promoting and giving a raise to his special lady friend. How absurd does this have to get before he finally bows out? No one wants him there, or anywhere for that matter. The Europeans are so anxious to get him out of there that they offered to let the US choose his successor. Now I realize that everyone in Washington, Republican or Democrat, puts their friends in coveted positions. This however is a serious ethics violation, coupled by the fact that Wolfowitz has no business being the head of the world bank in the first place. To use "ambiguous bank rules" as an excuse is akin to saying that he is pretty sure he did something wrong but technically he didn't. Given bush's history with Rumsfeld et al, I'm sure that Wolfie will stay put until the very last politically possible moment. After all, this guy has done a great service to our country by helping make the case for the liberation of Iraq....or was it the search for WMD's....sorry, it's changed so many times I can't remember myself.

Attorney-Gate / Domestic spying
Gonzales has resorted back to blaming his subordinates in the investigation into the firing of 8 US attorneys. All I can do is sigh, he has no credibility left. Especially after this report that Gonzales et al went to visit an ailing Ashcroft to get his approval for the domestic wiretap program after his temporary replacement wouldn't.

Election 2008
A lot of people have been asking me who would I vote for amongst the democratic candidates for President. I have been avoiding this issue for sometime because I really don't know. In fact I still don't know, I like most people am trying to get a read on the candidates before I choose. But if I had to choose today I think my money is on Obama, although I reserve the right to change this at any given time. So why Obama? For one I like the fact that he is somewhat of a moderate, at least in the eyes of middle America. I am not a religious person, but I think that it would be a good thing for a Democratic candidate to have legitimacy in this area, that is just as long as he doesn't legislate from the scripture as Bush does. He was against the war, and still is. Hillary will always have that hanging over her head, and in the end I think 2008 will still be a referendum on the mistakes of the bush years. On the other hand I do think that Hillary Clinton would be a strong president, and I would like nothing more than to have some of the all stars from the Clinton years return. My biggest problem with her is that she is such a polarizing figure, you either love her or you hate her. After eight years of bush I think that it is important to have a leader who we can all agree with in one aspect or another and who doesn't propagate more years of political division and cat fighting. I will say that I think this country is just about ready for a black and / or a woman president, so I would like to come out and say that gender or race is not a deciding factor for me in picking a candidate.

* I'm working on a piece with the help of Abbott and Matt about what it takes to make it to Cooperstown. It isn't ready yet, and in fact I haven't even worked on it in a couple of days, but if you have any thoughts on the subject please leave me a comment.

**Breaking News: WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Embattled World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz and the White House were in talks Wednesday afternoon with World Bank officials to work out details of his resignation, senior administration officials told CNN.

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