Days Until Opening Day 2009

Friday, August 10, 2007

Around the Horn

The Yankees were off last night so today I would just like to comment on a few random subjects.

Clemens Suspended 5 Games, Torre 1

Give me a fricken break. First of all regardless of what A-Rod did or didn't say two months ago, he was the one who took it in the leg. Clemens didn't start it, Toronto did. Where are the suspensions for the Blue Jays? I guess MLB considers playing baseball in Canada to be punishment enough.* I also don't agree with the idea that Torre has to pay for what Clemens did. Roger has a history of this type of behavior. He doesn't need Torre to tell him to hit a guy, he'll do that with a smile on his face and a broken bat shard in his hand. Torre will serve his suspension today but Clemens will probably appeal it. Do we still have to pay him for games when he is suspended?

Hank Aaron Hates Barry Bonds

Ok, I don't know that for a fact. However considering that he was quoted as saying "eventually, if I happen to see him somewhere, I'd probably say something to him" it doesn't sound like Hank is too fond of the guy. Look, no one likes it when a record they have set is broken, especially such a hallowed one such as this. But when your record gets busted by a cheater, well that's just like pouring gasoline on your wounds.

Roid Rage

Jose Conseco must have spent all the money he made from appearing in "The Surreal Life" on Vh1 because he is coming out with a new book about everyones favorite subject....STEROIDS. Allegedly he claims A-Rod is a roid user. Now I tend to think that he isn't, but as my friend pointed out to me just because the guys head didn't explod like Bonds head did, that doesn't mean he isn't using. Look at Rafael Palmeiro for example, he was never a huge guy (although I have heard stories about him beating the bejesus out of a pinata while on a roid rage).

So if everyone is on the juice what does that say about records and stats? Should we just throw everything out past 1995 and start from there? Or are we so jaded by the whole thing that we just can't trust a players accomplishments anymore without assuming that they cheated? Personally I hope A-Rod is clean and he goes on to break Bond's record. I'm sure he wont be playing for the Yankees by then, but anyone but Bonds is all we can hope for (assuming he is clean).

*Actually I have been to the Former Sky Dome a bunch of times and it is a surprisingly clean and friendly venue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the New York Daily News, the last bastion in upstanding, non-tabloid journalism....