Days Until Opening Day 2009

Thursday, March 8, 2007

My First Post

After learning that Matt's girlfriend Jen has decided to start her own blog, I realized that it was my turn to become obnoxiously hipster-ish and write one of my own. Since it's free I figure that I have nothing to lose. So I suppose I will start off with a mission statement or what I plan to write about until I become entirely too bored with here goes:

1. Politics
2. Random Musings
3. Major League Baseball
4. Whatever strikes me as worth while
5. Life at the office

Let's start out with number 5 since in about 5 minutes I'm off to a free lunch courtesy of a vendor. I hate these things. While the free food is nice, I always feel like I've been suckered into a cheap vacation with the caveat that I have to sit in for a half day speech on the benefits of buying a time share. These meetings are a quasi-professional venture into the B rate selling techniques of copy vendors. Listen guys, the client is paying for the copies not me. If you can get me a 2 cent per page cheaper rate that's fine and dandy, but really all I want is someone who will make me look good with the end product. Next week a vendor wanted to take us to Fast Eddies. I mean don't get me wrong, I have practiaclly put Steve the bartender's kids through college, but class it up a little.....we're not animale. But I guess that's the life of a paralegal, keep the free food and beer coming and I'll listen to your pitch.

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