Days Until Opening Day 2009

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Clemens causes stir by attending Yankees game

It is amazing how a 44 year old pitcher can cause such a stir just by attending a spring training game. At an age when most pitchers have long ago hung up the cleats and are more concerned with their slice rather than their curve ball, Clemens somehow still draws the interest of the best teams in the game. Unfortunately that includes the attention of my beloved New York Yankees. Now 4,604 strikeouts with a 3.10 career ERA is nothing to scoff at, but the last thing the Yankees need at this point is another pitching dinosaur who under preforms. Clemens would only pitch half the season at best. No one knows if he can even pitch 10 games without losing the last of what he's got. It's just not worth the price to find out. Let the Red Sox do that. From the standpoint of the fans, Clemens will also need to overcome that little issue of abandoning NY the first time he "retired". Simply put, Clemens adds no value to a team already filled with all stars and its fair share of Senior citizens.

On the bright side there is some encouraging news about Philip Hughes. It seems that the Yankees are actually going to hold on to a young top pitching prospect for the first time in years. That said, we'll see if management has learned it's lesson about selling off the farm.

1 comment:

Bruce said...

Thanks, I guess I got a little too excited about my second post. I fixed it. Either way this kid looks like he is going to shine.