Days Until Opening Day 2009

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Two Posts in One Day?!?

Every now and then I check up on my blog counter to see how people are finding me. Since this is too funny not to share, below are some of the most common searches that direct surfers to 567 Miles From Home along with my comments:

1. ryan zimmerman's marital status - Looks like Zimmerman may have some forthcoming marriage proposals!

2. roosevelt talked public about hemorrhoids problem - Apparently George Bush is trying to figure out if other presidents have had the same problem that he does.

3. atlantic city massage parlours - comment

4. how to get hgh - I know of a former pitcher in Texas who may be able to hook you up with some.

5. harry truman - cheating on wife - Uh oh George, what have you been up to now?!

6. how to make a thomas jefferson costume - Geez, doesn't Bush have anything better to do than surf the net? I guess he is just looking for a way to gain back some voter approval.

7. robin meade, news commentator, does she have any children - Hey back off buddy, Robin Meade is MINE!

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