Days Until Opening Day 2009

Monday, December 17, 2007

A Form Letter For Use by Those Named in the Report

So your a major league baseball player who has just been outed as a steroid user thanks to the Mitchell Report? Here are three handy form letters to help you apologise or explain yourself to the fans, free of charge. Happy Holiday's guys:

Letter #1 - Coming Clean:

Dear Fans,

As you are aware I have been listed as a user of (circle all that apply) The Clear/ Human Growth Hormone /Anabolic Steroids / Some Crazy Drug You have never even heard of, in Senator Mitchell's report. I deeply regret that between the years of ____ and _____ I did in fact use performance enhancing substances in violation of (circle all that apply) federal law/ State Law / baseball's anti doping policy. I regret any harm that my actions may have on the game, or on any young athletes who may have emulated me during that time. I can only ask for your forgiveness and hope that those who chose to use as a result of my actions have not done any serious long term harm to themselves or their loved ones. While this is a difficult time for everyone who loves the game, hopefully though openness and honesty we can move forward and put this dark chapter behind us.

Letter #2 - The Pettitte Letter:

Dear Fans:

As you know I have been accused of using performance enhancers. The truth is, yes, I did but I only used them (circle all that apply) Once / Twice / Three times, but that last time I didn't realize it. I regret that I took them, but I did so only for the purpose of (circle all that apply) Recovering Quickly From an Injury / To Help With My Dwarfism / To help rid me of unsightly acne / Because Roger Clemens Made Me Do It. I hope that we can move on from this dark chapter and get back to the business of (circle all that apply) playing the game of baseball / Going After the Real Users Like Bonds.

Letter #3 - The I didn't do it Letter:

Dear Fans:

As you know I have been accused of using performance enhancing drugs in the recently released report by Senator Mitchell. At no time did I (circle all that apply) knowingly / purposely / recreationaly / use steroids or any other form of performance enhancers. In fact this report is nothing but a (circle all that apply) witch hunt / slanderous accusation / media fueled circus show / and I stand by my (circle all that apply) home run record / career as a pitcher / ability to add 15 pounds of muscle over the age of 35 as a testament to my hard work and dedication to the game. Unfortunately I realise that there will be some out there who find it difficult to believe that I am innocent, to them I say (circle all that apply) Those Really Weren't My Cancelled Checks / Roger Clemens Did It...Let's Only Go After Him / Come On, My Last Name Isn't Bonds / Fuck You. Hopefully we can move past this dark time and get back to playing baseball.


Unknown said...

Haahha. Well done, sir.

Bruce said...


jess said...

you've missed your calling in pr :)

Bruce said...

Well I am trying to save them some money....drugs are really expensive according the the Mitchell report!

Julie said...

This made my day!

Bruce said...

Ha, thanks Julie!

Anonymous said...

Nicely done. I can totally visualize Paul Lo Duca's letter version.

Bruce said...

Thanks, although in Lo Duca's case it may be a combination of all three.

Anonymous said...

I'm blue dabba dee dabba dabba dee dabba da dabba daaaaa- I'm blue dabba dee....

Papa Smurf!