Days Until Opening Day 2009

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What Spring Training Means, and What it Doesn't...and last Words on the Tryouts

With only a few weeks until the start of the baseball season its easy to get over analytical about what has happened so far in spring training. Sure, its great to see games on TV again, but good or bad it is way too early to make any real predictions based on what we have seen up until now. Sure, you can make base line observations like Matsui looked rusty and Beckett's back is strained, but we haven't even seen game one yet, much less are we anywhere near a pennant race. Spring training is all about adjustments and working out the kinks. So don't let analysts who get paid by the word trick you into believing anything more about spring training other than it is what it

Case in point, nothing makes me happier than seeing Santana shut down Boston. The reality though is that these two teams are not going to face off against each other in the regular season. What's more, spring training games only show case a limited number of innings. So in the end we can't really deduce anything other than Santana looks like himself so far this year in the few innings he's thrown. Same thing goes for Joba Chamberlin. The other day Joba gave up two long shot homers, should that worry New York fans? Of course not! While it's true that he may have struggled a bit in that game, Chamberlin is also working on re-introducing a curve ball back into his repertoire.

What spring training should be is fun. It's fun to watch all the younger players fight for spots on the roster, watch teams face off against each other who never do in the regular season, and most of all its fun to see baseball back and know that in a few short weeks we get ESPN back from the dredges of basketball and hockey. (No offense to hockey fans, but basketball is not my cup of tea....with the exception of the NCAA but I digress)

My Run For President Is Over
Now to shift gears if I may, my run for president is officially over. By that I mean that unfortunately I have not been selected to be one of the running presidents at National's games. Of course I am disappointed, what a thrill it would have been especially in the new stadium. However it would have been a big time commitment and I am sure that I would have tired of it quickly. Ah who am I kidding, it sucks, I really wanted it but oh well. At least when I try out next year I will have a better idea of what it takes to earn a spot.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about that kid! You would have rocked.

Drea said...

Sorry to hear this. You would have been the best - The Best!