Days Until Opening Day 2009

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Opening Day.....kind of

The first pitches of Major League Baseball 2008 were thrown today, the problem is that very few were actually awake to see it! That's because, as I am sure that you are well aware, they were thrown at the Tokyo Dome in Japan. So then you may be asking yourself why the countdown timer at the top of this page still says four days to go? Well, not to come across as xenophobic, but in my opinion the season really doesn't start until the first pitchers are thrown on the 30th. I don't have any problem with major league baseball playing games overseas, but I do have a problem with not having opening day here. The excitement of the day is lost, it just plain isn't fair. So, until this weekend I am of the opinion that the season hasn't actually started.


Drea said...

I didn't know that they actually threw pitchers. Do they still try and get them over home plate? That'd be sort of cool to watch. HAHA

Julie said...

Oh don't you worry.

Tim woke me up to watch it.
And then ppl at my job watched it in the conference room during my meeting at 830.

I wanted to kill them all.