Days Until Opening Day 2009

Friday, February 8, 2008

Keep You Fingers Crossed Everyone!!!

Yesterday I applied to be one of the running presidents at Nationals home games (Teddy Roosevelt to be exact). To my surprise I actually heard back from the Entertainment coordinator today about the position. Holy crap, how awesome would that be?!?!?! Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

that would be so freakin' awesmoe! good luck!!!

and if you get to be teddy make sure he wins once in a blue moon!

Jen Judson said...

That's very exciting, dude. Did you specifically pick Teddy as the one you wanted to be? I would pick him too. He looks like the easiest suit to run in.

Bruce said...

He was available. And Heidi, I would do my best to end the reign of terror from the other presidents!

Julie said...

Oh. My. God.

I hope you get it, so when I move down to DC I can come to all the games and root for Teddy!

Drea said...

Ummm, yeah, fingers are crossed for you. Only because of who you are and, yeah, I like you. Otherwise, I'd be like you go you Geek - cause you know I'm so cool. LOL

No, seriously, hope you get it. keep us all apprised.