Days Until Opening Day 2009

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Historic Day

What can I say? There are really no words to describe the way I feel. Today is without a doubt one of greatest moments in our country's history. As a nation we have overwhelmingly shown that we are willing to vote on the issues and over come racial bigotry, fear mongering, and failed policies.

I talked about race and the election the other day. Lets be honest here, race was the 900 pound gorilla in the room this entire election. Now don't get me wrong, the election of Obama will not end racism but it is certainly a huge step forward. It is a day that I never thought I would see in my life time. I can only imagine what those who lived through segregation must be feeling. My father has told me stories about basic training in Biloxi Mississippi in 1961. I should mention that my father has always been tolerant of all races, albeit that this was the first time in his life he had ventured away from New England and he was perhaps a bit naive about the realities of segregation. His roommate was African American and when my father asked him if he wanted to go into town to get a beer his roommate looked at him with shock. "You can't be seen with me in town" he said. Little did my father know that there was only one bar in town that would even cater to black patrons. Shortly thereafter he was taking a bus when an African American woman stood up to give him her seat. My father was surprised and told her that he didn't want her seat. It was then he realized that this woman had become frightened, not because of my fathers reaction but because she was surrounded by white people who were clearly getting angry at the situation. Dad ended up taking her seat only for fear of retribution against the woman.

But this election wasn't just about race. It was also about pointing us in a new direction. It was about learning from out mistakes and reestablishing our credibility in the world. It was about responsible government. My hope is that Obama does the right thing. I hope that he is centric and brings the country together again. I hope that he doesn't sub come to the corruption of power. I hope that he is every bit the great president he has the potential to be. With so much already riding against him on day one if he succeeds he could be one of historys greatest presidents.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Your Vote Doesn't Count

That is a complete lie, I was just trying to hook you in with a shocking title. If the 2000 election taught us anything we all know that your vote really does count.

Now on to today's subject, intimidation and fear. Already this morning there have been reports of foul play and voter intimidation. In Virgina five voting machines at one poll suddenly stopped working. Elsewhere in Virgina and reportedly in other states text messages and signs have been circulating telling democrats to vote on Wednesday to avoid the long lines. The so called 527 ads on both sides have been over the top trying to invoke fear about the candidates and about what may happen if the other guy is elected. It is all pretty disgusting. Imagine what it would be like if we had civil national elections that focused only on the issues.

Monday, November 3, 2008

D-Day 2008

Tomorrow is it, no more predictions, no more analysis, no more speculation. By Wednesday morning or late tomorrow evening we will know the next president of the United States (hopefully). Suffice to say that I am nervous and will no doubt get little to no work done tomorrow as my office becomes my own version of election center 2008. I have laid out the issues that are important to me and have been clear about my choice. When casting your vote I beg you to make your decision based on the issues and how you think that they will have an impact on you and what is best for this country, not on aesthetics, not on attack ads or on irrelevant campaign tricks.